by Canadian Trails | Apr 19, 2021 | Canadian Trails, Canadian Trails Federation, Ontario
How Ontario’s parks became pandemic lifesavers BY MORGAN LIGHTLEAPRIL 18, 2021 It’s Saturday, March 20. It’s not only the first day of spring, but the first warm sunny day after a long pandemic winter. Cullum McConnell and his nephews, Ray, 8, and...
by Canadian Trails | Apr 15, 2021 | Canadian Trails, Canadian Trails Federation, Ontario
News release Ottawa, Ontario, March 12, 2021 – Investing in public transit strengthens communities, helps Canadians get around in faster, cleaner and more affordable ways, and ensures good jobs today while charting a path to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050....
by Canadian Trails | Oct 16, 2020 | Canadian Trails, Canadian Trails Federation, Ontario
Join Us October 22, 2020 for an exciting webinar with international speakers on the topic of greenway trails – how we combine recreation and nature. REGISTER
by Canadian Trails | Sep 25, 2020 | Canadian Trails, Canadian Trails Federation, Ontario
COVID-19 Research on Trails and Outdoor Recreation: What We’ve Learned So Far. To Register Go To:
by Canadian Trails | Sep 17, 2020 | Canadian Trails, Canadian Trails Federation, Ontario
Hoping you would be able to attend this important webinar!As we all deal with aspects of COVID-19, an understanding of its impacts on trails and trail use should help all of us plan and manage our trails throughout this pandemic. Please consider attending. To register...
by Canadian Trails | Sep 8, 2020 | Canadian Trails, Canadian Trails Federation, Ontario
Quest began after Aurora’s David Lee found an old map from before the First World War CBC News · Posted: Sep 06, 2020 6:00 AM ET | Last Updated: September 6 This coming week, a group of Ontario paddlers will be trekking along crown land northwest...