International Trails Day

International Trails Day is an annual celebration of trails, trail development and the healthy lifestyle they encourage. It is celebrated each year on the first Saturday in June.

Started by the American Hiking Society in 1992, trails Day has spread to encompass all forms of recreational trail usage in more than a dozen countries worldwide.

It promotes public awareness of and appreciation for trails and the people who build & maintain them.

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Builds partnerships among trail groups, businesses, and public land managers.

Encourages cooperative efforts among different trail users, including hikers, bicyclists, equestrians, walkers, runners.

International Trails Day brings together trails enthusiasts, to participate in educational exhibits, trail dedications, gear demonstrations, and instructional workshops and trail work projects.

The public is encouraged to join in the celebration by attending one of the community events listed at

With content from Leisure Information Network

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.